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Showing posts from November, 2022

Television: Industry contexts - the BBC

1) What is the BBC's mission statement?                                                                                                                 to inform, educate and entertain 2) How is the BBC funded? by a tv licence that is paid  yearly (£159 per household) 3) What must the BBC do to meet its public service broadcasting responsibilities? (Look at the five bullet points above) it provides information by showing the news, it provides learning from shows that explain things and BBC   bite size   and learning websites, creative output and diverse content because of the amount of shows  they produce. 4) What is regulation and how is the BBC regulated? it has multiple rules to follow to make sure no inappropriate content  is broadcasted. the BBC  is regulated by OFCOM, they oversee all media  channels and follow a broadcasting code that all channels must follow or have their   licence  removed. 5) How do Doctor Who and His Dark Materials help the BBC to meet the BBC's rem

His Dark Materials: Language and Representation blog tasks

language: 1) Write an analysis of the episode - using notes from the screening in class.  Make specific, detailed reference to moments in the text using media terminology (e.g. media language - camera shots and movement, editing, diegetic/non-diegetic sound, mise-en-scene etc.) Camerawork, editing and sound:  high angle shots of Lyra to make  her look vulnerable and innocent   Setting: different places like hot air balloons and unknown cities, and  different multiverses  Narrative and genre: supernatural and sci-fi because of witches and demons 2) How does His Dark Materials fit the conventions of the fantasy TV genre? His dark  materials  is a fantasy with drama as there  floating   city's,demon animals,witches and magic  3)  Applying Propp's character theory, what character roles do some of the main characters in His Dark Materials fit into?  Lyra Belacqua=main character/protagonist and Mrs. Coulter=helper(helps the protagonists ambitions)  4) What enigma and action codes (Ba

His Dark Materials: Industry and Audience blog tasks

  Audience 1) Read this audience rating guide for His Dark Materials. Based on the screening and this article, who do you think the target audience is for His Dark Materials and why? What about psycho graphic groups?                                                  I think that his dark materials is aimed at a family audience as the BBC broadcast it at Sunday night (8.10pm).  Its  also targeted at fans of the fantasy genre along with the fact d iverse representations of gender and race may  appeal to a younger audience. Its r ated for 14+ by HBO due to some scenes that may be frightening to younger children but t he UK DVD release of His Dark Materials season 2 is rated 12 by the BB FC. 2) What audience pleasures are offered by His Dark Materials - The City of Magpies? Apply Bumbler and Katz's Uses and Gratifications theory to the episode. Make sure you provide specific examples from the episode to support your ideas.   Personal Identity: Viewers can personally identify with the fa