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Videogames: Lara Croft Go blog tasks

  Language 1) Who is Lara Croft and when did she first appear in a video game? tomb raider and a female with male character traits 2) What classic films influenced the creation of Lara Croft and the Tomb Raider games? Lara Croft  and the Tomb Raider games was influenced by Indiana Jones. 3) How has Lara Croft and Tomb Raider moved beyond just being a video game? Lara Croft moved beyond the video games by featuring in magazine covers and films. 4)  What devices can you play Lara Croft Go on? Lara Croft Go is played on mobile through app store. 5) What type of game is Lara Croft Go? Lara Croft Go is an action - adventure game. 6) How does Lara Croft Go use narrative (story line) to make the game enjoyable for the audience? they use sympathy and adventure as her mum is missing and her dad is dead 7) What iconography can be found in Lara Croft Go? How does this help communicate the genre of the game? This game is a ‘turn-based puzzle’ which involves by-passing enemies and unlocking paths i
1) Type up your feedback from your teacher in full (you do not need to write marks/grades if you do not wish to). Fiona- you know the 2 TV CSPs well and are able to comment on both in response to this TV assessment. Your Q2 response is focused and links to the statement just missing depth for more marks                                                                                                  i got 16/42 and a grade 4 2) Look at the mark scheme document linked above. Write an answer for question 1.1 on mise-en-scene. 1- deamon changes to a magpie 2- the city is abandoned 3) Look at question 1.2. Write ONE narrative feature in the extract you could have written for this answer. propps character theory shows laura is the vilan as she chases innocent people and the random people as villans as they ran away 4) Now focus on question 1.3.  Write down ONE answer for this question about how the extract targeted a family audience. that it has no violence so its safe for all ages 5) Finall

A brief history of videogames: blog task

  Videogames 1) What were the first videogames like? the first video games didn't have a lot of colour and had bad graphics, they were simplistic and not a lot of skill as needed for them, they were mass produced arcade games. 2) How have videogames changed over time? they have improved in many ways such as they now have more interactive features, there are now more consoles and more ways to play video games, like handheld 3) What do the most successful games have in common? Answer this in as much detail as you can. Think about audience pleasures - what do people like about playing videogames? A best-seller is typically focused on action, 62% of the games on the list are preoccupied with action in one form or another, whether that means a straight shooter ( Call of Duty ), a mix of adventure and action ( Mine-craft ) or a story-driven tale of player agency with combat worked into the fold ( Skyrim ). 4) What criticisms have been made towards videogames? online play can mean you tal